Are You Jealous?

Wen Ruan extended her other hand, which was behind her back all this while.

She held a first aid kit in her hand.

"You're injured."

Huo Hannian looked at her watery eyes and frowned with annoyance. "This shit isn't even worth mentioning. Do you think I am Huo Jingxiu?"

Wen Ruan looked at his fierce expression and smiled.

"You keep bringing Huo Jingxiu up. Are you jealous?"

"Scram." He turned to walk away.

Wen Ruan caught up to him and blocked his way.

"Don't bring Huo Jingxiu up anymore. Squat down."

Huo Hannian stood still, not moving an inch. He was 188 centimeters, way taller than her, and he had this cold and ruthless vibe. One would need a lot of courage to look him in the eye.

Wen Ruan bit her lip and softened her tone. "Please?"