She Rolled Down the Stairs

Ye Wanwan felt her breathing quicken, her vision blurred, and the blood in her body surged faster.

" Ruan Ruan, I'm sincerely here to apologize to you." Before Ye Wanwan could finish her sentence, she staggered a few steps back. She was not far from the stairs, so she stepped in the air and fell down.

Wen Ruan and Old Mrs. Wen turned around at the same time when they heard the sound.

Ye Wanwan only felt dizzy for a moment. She didn't even have time to think about why this was happening and her body fell down the stairs like a snowball.

His forehead, the back of his head, his cheeks, and his limbs kept rubbing against the stairs. It was as if the brakes had failed, and he could not control them.

Waves of pain came from her limbs and bones. Before she could feel the pain, her forehead hit the corner of the stairs heavily. With a loud bang, warm and sticky liquid slid down her forehead.

The tip of my nose is filled with the smell of blood