He Chased After Her

Wen Ruan, Muxue, and Rong Xiang boarded the bus back to Yun Cheng.

Ever since they got into the car, Wen Ruan had not said a word.

Muxue looked at her several times, but she kept a cold face, as if she did not want anyone to talk to her.

After Muxue got to know Wen Ruan, she realized that she was really charismatic.

As far as she knew, no girl dared to speak to Huo Hannian like that, but Wen Ruan did.

Although she was the same type as Wen Ruan, Muxue realized that the gap between them was not small.

Wen Ruan was the kind of girl that she had always wanted to be. Beneath her beautiful appearance was a delicate heart. When she was in danger, she was smart, calm, and decisive. When she needed to show off, she was confident and elegant. When she needed to give in, she could be pitiful and lovable.

She had her own pride, stubbornness, assertiveness, persistence, and bottom line!

Muxue was staring at Wen Ruan when someone in the carriage suddenly exclaimed,"