It's Rare for Ruan Ruan to Be Jealous

Huo Hannian was still running a fever. Wen Ruan was worried about him driving, so she took the car keys from him.

Wen Ruan went to the garage to get the car. Huo Hannian just so happened to receive a call. The signal in the garage was bad, so he answered the call outside the unit on the first floor while waiting for Wen Ruan.

His tall and cold body was leaning against the wall. His V-neck shirt was tucked into his pants, and his nine-point suit pants were well-ironed and well-pressed. His exquisite ankles were slightly exposed.

Dressed in black, he looked cool and tall. It was difficult not to attract attention.

Jiang Yan's eyes lit up when she saw Huo Hannian.

It was the boy who was staying in the sky-class private room!

Jiang Yan had been looking for him for a long time. She didn't expect to see him in Zijing Community.

Does he live here too?

Jiang Yan tidied up her wavy hair and walked toward Huo Hannian in her high heels.