Meeting (2)

Susan and her brother's homestay was very popular. She checked the records and found that there were no rooms left.

"Sisters, I'm sorry. The guest rooms are all full. If you don't mind, you can rest at my house."

Susan really liked these two beautiful sisters who were as beautiful as fairies. The two of them did not put on airs at all. They were easy-going and spoke well.

Unlike her blockhead brother, when she said that she had a crush on Sir, it would only hurt her!

Wen Ruan and Ye Qingyu had a good impression of Su Shan. Under her kind invitation, they agreed to stay at her house for the night.

Susan's house was not far from the homestay. It only took five or six minutes to walk there.

It was a European-style bungalow built with wooden planks. It had a spacious and clean living room, neat and warm decorations, and had a homely feeling.

"The two sisters were drenched in the rain earlier. Go take a hot bath first!"