As Sexy As You Want!

Wen Ruan looked at Huo Hannian, who was standing on the podium. Unlike the way he looked when he left the house, he had tucked his shirt into his pants and buttoned it up to the top. He looked neat and restrained.

He wasn't nervous at all. He spoke about his learning experience coldly and casually.

Although he was not a serious person, he was not too rigid and boring.

The students below were all staring at him with admiration and admiration.

Wen Ruan's clear deer eyes revealed a faint smile.

Huo Hannian, who was standing on the stage, was undoubtedly shining brightly.

Huo Hannian spoke for nearly twenty minutes before he ended his speech. The audience applauded enthusiastically.

"Senior Huo is so handsome!"

"The learning experience he shared is so practical. I'll try it out when I get back!"

"He's handsome and has good grades."

"Look at the girls in front. Their eyeballs are about to fall out!"