A Strong Sense of Crisis

Wen Ruan walked to the place where Huo Hannian was resting in the tribe.

When she reached the courtyard, she suddenly stopped.

There was a round wooden table in the courtyard with five or six exquisite desserts on it. Huo Hannian came out of his room after taking a shower. Nangong Han went up to him and grabbed his arm. She smiled coquettishly and said," I got someone to make your favorite breakfast. Let's eat together!""

Huo Hannian and Nangong Han sat down facing each other.

They were a little far away, so Wen Ruan couldn't hear what Nangong Han said to Huo Hannian. She could only see his thin lips curl up slightly.

Wen Ruan suddenly felt a wave of discomfort in her heart. It was as if an invisible hand had scratched her chest.

He could tell that Nangong Han liked him very much. Her eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky when she looked at him.

Huo Hannian did not seem to dislike Nangong Han.

Wen Ruan turned around in a daze.