Ye Qingyu VS Li Yanchen (73)

Li Yanchen brought Ye Qingyu to the tarmac where the private jet was parked.

After Li Yanchen got out of the car, he opened the door of the passenger seat." Yu 'er, come with me."

Ye Qingyu did not know what he was going to do and followed him into the helicopter in confusion.

"You…Where are you taking me?"

Li Yanchen helped Ye Qingyu put on her headphones." I'll show you the night view of the capital.""

Ye Qingyu's lips twitched.

Were all rich people looking at the night scene in such a unique way?

After she sat down, Li Yanchen started the private jet.

Looking at the man who was flying the plane, his side profile looked as if it had been carefully carved by a craftsman. He had a high nose bridge and thin red lips, making him exceptionally handsome.

"Don't just look at me. Look at the scenery outside."

Ye Qingyu was embarrassed when she heard the man's words.

The night view of the Imperial City was undoubtedly bustling and dazzling.