The Finale of Ruan Ruan VS Huo Hannian (8)

After Wen Ruan rushed out of the room, she drove straight to the garage and left the hotel.

Huo Hannian immediately followed suit.

Tears welled up in Wen Ruan's eyes.

The tearing pain in his heart seemed to be still spreading.

After her rebirth, she could not understand why he had drunk the poison in his previous life and left that world with her!

She felt that she owed him. In this life, she would do her best to make it up to him!

So that was the truth!

The instant Wen Ruan's car drove out, Huo Hannian also drove out in pursuit.

He took out his phone and called her.

But she never picked up.

He sent her another message,[Ruan Ruan, drive slower!]

Wen Ruan acted as if she hadn't seen Huo Hannian's message. She was immersed in the grief of her past life!

Huo Hannian sent out another message: " Don't let anything happen to you. I've let you down in your past life. I'll make it up to you in every life from now on!"