He Carried Her in His Arms

Yan Zhou couldn't stand Jiang Yu's nagging. He stood up and walked to a corner.

The CEO of a video company had been reduced to the point where he could only stand in a corner and watch the game!

Jiang Yu looked at Yan Zhou and smacked his lips." How dare you bully my wife's sister. I'll kill him.""

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something. Jiang Yu looked at Li Shuang 'er." You said his eyes never left Xiaxia. Could it be that he's moved again?"

Li Shuang 'er made a gesture to stop him." Don't tie him to our Xiaxia again. He's not worthy!"

Li Shuang 'er had heard some time ago that Yan Zhou was pursuing another girl called Ji Wanting among the youth trainees.

He dumped Xiaxia and then went after another woman. How shameless of him!

Regardless of whether he would regret it in the future, she had already passed him by.

After performing the theme song, the competition began in groups.

Li Xia was in the second group.