Inviting Her to Dance

Li Xia and Zhou Yuwei arrived at the royal banquet hall.

Zhou Yuwei was wearing the gown that her brother, Zhou Heng, had sent over. It was a white evening gown with puff sleeves.

Zhou Yuwei was usually carefree and had a boyish personality, but when she dressed up, she was quite beautiful.

On the way from school to the royal family, Zhou Heng, who had always been quiet, had sent her several messages, asking her to restrain herself, be more ladylike, and be more refined.

Zhou Yuwei used to be like a tomboy in Northern Yunnan, but after her big brother made her grow her hair and learn etiquette, she became much more refined and ladylike.

The banquet hall was filled with fragrant clothes and shadows. The wine glasses were intertwined, and the lights were colorful. It was a gorgeous scene.