She Went to Look for Him

City H.

Xi had already arrived at the airport. While he was waiting in the VIP waiting room, two bodyguards in black suddenly came over.

"Mr. Xi, our Miss invites you to the car for a few words."

Xi looked at the two bodyguards in black, his dark and long eyes flashing with indifference." Get lost.""

He was no stranger to these two bodyguards.

Miss Shao's people.

One of the bodyguards lowered his head and whispered into Xi's ear.

Xi's expression changed drastically.

He clenched his hands into fists, and his dark eyes were bloodshot." Despicable!"

"Mr. Xi, Miss will only give you five minutes."

Xi got up and followed the two bodyguards out of the waiting room.

In the parking lot, there was a dark black business car.

The bodyguard opened the car door and let Xi in.

A delicate figure sat in the back row.

The woman was wearing a light yellow short skirt and looked pretty. When she saw Xi get into the car, her lips curled into a smile.