Chapter 11: With Money, You're the Daddy

Li Qiao watched Li Shaoquan expressionlessly as she took the banana from his hand, peeled one and put it to her mouth, speaking in a detached tone, "So, have you found a way to cover this month's living expenses?"

Li Shaoquan's expression hardened as he put out his cigarette and stood up, wiping his hands on the seams of his pants, and asked solemnly, "Dad, you said to look up who?"

It wasn't that Li Shaoquan was spineless, ever since he became addicted to the internet, Li Qiao's second uncle was so angry that he cut off all his sources of income.

For about five or six years, Li Shaoquan's daily expenses were all covered by Li Qiao.

If you have money, you're the dad!

Li Qiao glanced at him with a half-smile, took a bite of the banana, and with her mobile phone in hand transferred five hundred thousand to him, "Shang Yu."

Li Shaoquan sat back down and upon seeing the deposit notification on his mobile, cheekily said a word of thanks to dad.

He then skillfully opened up a built-in search bar on his computer, asking again, "Which Yu?"

"The intense 'Yu'."

Li Qiao thought of Shang Yu's rich, dark charisma, pursed the corners of her mouth, and even the banana in her mouth seemed to taste sweeter.

After the sound of rapid typing, Li Shaoquan raised his head with a peculiar look, scratching his messy hair, "There's no such person, did you get the name wrong?"

Li Qiao threw the banana peel into the trash can casually, her perfectly shaped doe eyes looking out the window, she murmured, "Then try... Shang Shaoyan."


However, after typing only two characters, Li Shaoquan abruptly stopped, looking at Li Qiao with disbelief in his voice, "Shang Shaoyan, is it the Shang, Shaoyan I know?"

"Otherwise?" Li Qiao raised her eyebrows slightly.

Li Shaoquan furrowed his brow, asking seriously, "This ancestor from the South Sea, what has he done to offend you?"

With a series of questions, Li Qiao's patience was nearly exhausted, her gaze lazily drifting to Li Shaoquan, "Are you unable to find it?"

Li Shaoquan felt his computer skills were being utterly disrespected.

He huffed and continued tapping on the keyboard silently, one minute, three minutes, five minutes...

As time ticked away, the only sounds in the study were the clicking of the keyboard and Li Shaoquan's exclamations, "Eh? Mm? Eh? Ah? Holy shit..."

Listening to his interjections, Li Qiao guessed... he probably failed.

That's it?

Still want to join the Red Hacker Alliance? To clean toilets?

Ten minutes passed; Li Qiao silently turned to leave, planning to return home.

Fifty thousand spent for loneliness, what a loss.

Just at that moment, Li Shaoquan suddenly howled like a wolf, slapping the table vigorously, shouting at Li Qiao, "I'm in, I'm in, come and see!"

Li Qiao halted mid-step, her eyes instantly sparkling with interest.

She strutted back to Li Shaoquan's side. He had already started reading aloud to himself, "Shang Shaoyan, ancestry from Parma, twenty-seven years old... Holy shit, what is this?"

Following his shocked gaze, the information on the computer screen had been disrupted, and within a few seconds, he was counterattacked.

The dark page left only a large red exclamation point and an English word: WARNING!

This outcome, Li Qiao was not surprised.

She stared at the red exclamation mark, her lips curving into a knowing smile.

Sure enough, he was mysterious.

At that moment, Li Shaoquan stared dumbfounded at the computer screen, poking at the keyboard and clicking the mouse, but it was unresponsive.

Late when Li Qiao stepped out the door, she could still faintly hear Li Shaoquan's wailing from the study, "Dad, my code is gone—"