Chapter 16: Shang Lu gets pranked

Lu Xiheng didn't bother with Shang Lu, his drunken eyes hazily lifting the glass and downing it once again. Within just a few minutes, he had nestled into the couch and fallen asleep.

As for Shang Lu... he had almost spent the entire night unable to sleep.


The next day, at nine o'clock in the early morning.

Shang Lu drove alone to the vicinity of the Li family villa. The sky was overcast with a thin mist, the sunlight blocked out by the dense clouds above.

He was still wearing yesterday's shirt and casual pants, one hand on the steering wheel, his eyes bloodshot and exhausted as he continuously sighed.

A few dozen meters ahead was the gate of the Li family, and just the thought of the scene he was about to face made Shang Lu incomparably irritable.

What the hell is this!

They didn't consult him about the arranged engagement, and now he had to personally step in to break it off, where was the justice in that!

Looking resentfully at the ornately crafted iron gate, Shang Lu spent three minutes psyching himself up before finally pushing open the car door and striding over.

He approached and pressed the doorbell. Accompanied by the melodious ringtone, the iron gate slid open to each side.

Then, standing empty-handed in the middle of the gate, Shang Lu looked at the throngs of maids inside the magnificent villa courtyard, dumbfounded.

What kind of family is this? All maids?

At that moment, the lead maid came up to Shang Lu with a tray, picked up a towel from it, and handed it to him with a smile, "Mr. Shang, hello, welcome to the Li family, please wipe your hands first."

The maid looked very young and even... excessively flirtatious.

Shang Lu stood there expressionless. This wasn't the Li family; this was damn hell.

Shortly after, he came to his senses and looked warily at the maid, taking a step back unconsciously, "Put that down, I'll do it myself."

The maid was obedient. She placed the towel back on the tray but without a change in her demeanor, she moved slightly closer to Shang Lu.

At this point, Shang Lu's brows, marked by rebellion, were already showing a hint of anger.

He squinted his eyes vigilantly, his voice dropping, "Why are you so close? Is this how the Li family treats their guests?"

The maid's smile was blooming as she nodded, "I heard Mr. Shang is a doctor, who often visits hospitals, so this is just routine disinfection, please forgive us."

Shang Lu didn't respond, but inexplicably felt like he was being treated as a wandering virus.

After a long silence, Shang Lu, with a grimace, reluctantly picked up the towel. Just as he was about to wipe his fingers, the maid in front of him swayed and flung herself into his arms, exclaiming, "Aiyo, the ground is so slippery..."

Shang Lu's fur bristled.

"Fuck! Ugh—"

In the moment Shang Lu began to vomit, the villa courtyard fell silent.

All the 'maids' stared blankly at the scene, completely forgetting to react.

Impressive, is there really someone in this world who would throw up upon touching a woman?

As for the maid who feigned falling, she immediately pushed Shang Lu away when he bent over to retch, swiftly moving to one side.

At this moment, Shang Lu, even if acting foolishly, had pretty much figured out what was happening.

It was deliberate by the Li family members.

Every time Shang Lu touched a woman, he would vomit until he was drained, and he hadn't eaten anything that morning, now he had nearly thrown up all the acid in his stomach.

"You... get Li Qiao out here for me!"

Shang Lu's voice was hoarse as he growled, a watery red gleam in his eyes.

Having been pounced upon by the maid, he was now starting to feel itchy with red rashes spreading over his body, his stomach churning wildly, making even moving difficult.

No one in the courtyard responded to him. Shang Lu's steps wavered, but he managed to steady himself, looking up to see the Li family members streaming out from the hall.

At least they have a conscience!

Shang Lu wiped his eyes and straightened his back forcefully, trying to remain calm as he faced Li Guangming, who led the group. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the other man raise his hand to summon the butler, "Hurry and open the gates."