Chapter 87: Whose ten consecutive explosive hits are these?

Qiu Huan laughed bitterly and stood up, pushing his chair aside as he strode across the lawn to the other side.

In the distance, he heard Shang Yu speaking indulgently, "Even if you want to drink, you shouldn't have too much brandy."

Qiu Huan sneered and walked faster, to hell with so-called good brothers, they're all unfaithful dogs blinded by lust.


Not long after Qiu Huan left, Li Qiao took the opportunity to glance at the man's watch, "What time is it?"

Shang Yu replied, "Not yet four." He observed the girl's indifferent expression, "Do you have plans tonight?"

Li Qiao nodded and pinched her earlobe lightly, her lips curling carelessly as she said, "Mm, a college farewell banquet."

"What time does it start? Let Liuyun take you there." Shang Yu casually picked up a cigarette box from the table, taking one out to twirl between his fingers, "Don't drink at the gathering, and remember to report to the board of directors at eight tomorrow morning."