Chapter 98: If the camera is damaged, Master Qiu remember to compensate

Qiu Huan followed closely behind Li Qiao, his eyes constantly darting to the small box in her hand, "I came to welcome you!"

Li Qiao remained expressionless, still indifferent as water, "What merits do I have to deserve Master Qiu's personal welcome?"

Well, she was still angry.

Qiu Huan, with one hand on his waist, glanced again at the box holding the camera, a flicker in his eyes as he spoke, "Sis, the matter at the police station was indeed my responsibility, but don't worry, Zhang Leshan has been taken away for investigation. I promise you, he'll never have the chance to turn over a new leaf in this lifetime."

As he finished, Qiu Huan moved closer to her with a fawning smile, "So, do you think we can turn the page on this matter?"

Li Qiao raised her eyebrows as she looked at Qiu Huan, neither agreeing nor disagreeing, her impassive expression leaving Qiu Huan feeling particularly uncertain.