

The constant buzzing sound of my phone which was lying on the side table, interrupted me as Xander filled me with the desire I was craving for. It kept sounding in my ear like it was going to break anytime soon, or even explode.

"Who the heck is that shit?" Xander rolled his eyes, and pulled away from dwelling into my naked body.

I groaned in annoyance, and pulled the duvet across my chest, to cover my naked body. Grabbing the irritating phone from the table, I gasped and tried so hard to reduce my heavy pants.

I turned to Xander with widened eyes and mouth. "It's Jace!" I cried.

"So?" He mentioned grouchily, frowning from how my husband's phone call ruined our dazzling moment. "Fuck him! Fuck fuck him!"

I shifted to him, and pulled my hands across his mouth, to prevent him from uttering any word, so he wouldn't have to interrupt my phone call. He was a really stubborn freak.

"Don't talk please. Five minutes is all I need, and we'll get back to the fun." I tried to calm him down.

"Whatever." He mentioned indifferently. "Hurry up now. My body is really swelling, and it can burst anytime soon."

I nodded in agreement, and swiped my phone screen to answer Jace's phone call.

Clearing my throat, I let out a soft sigh. It seemed like my heavy pants had reduced. "Sup Jace?" I greeted first.

"Oh hi dear. How are you doing today?", He returned my greetings in his normal excited tone.

"Oh. I'm really good." I said, turning to Xander who was already frowning so much at me. I tapped his arm gently, and made a gesture to try to calm him down.

"That's good to hear." Jace continued to speak.

"So...Why did you call?" I asked impatiently.

"Yeah. I need you to come to the hospital right now." He averred.

"Now?!" I cried, and regretted that immediately. I only hoped he wasn't going to be suspicious. But however, I was pretty sure he couldn't be suspicious. My husband wasn't a sensitive person after all. He was only a rich dumbass.

Xander hit his fist against the bed. "Shit!" He muttered frustratingly, and moved close to me, digging his lips into the skin of my neck, down to my covered boobs. I tried to push him away, but he towed me closer to him.

"Is there a problem?" Jace grabbed my attention back.

"P--problem?" I stuttered, still trying to push Xander from me. He even started to uncover my chest. This guy was such a dick. "There's no problem at all. I--I'll be there so soon." I uttered, and realized that I agreed to come to him. Gosh, I wanted to cook up a story.

"Great!" He rejoiced over the phone. "Ensure you come really quick. The place is our family hospital ok?"

The kisses from Xander became a terrible inconvenience. And to worsen it, Jace was saying something I absolutely didn't care about. What was with these guys?

"Ok. Sure." I hung up the call, not wanting him to say anything else.

I dropped the phone on the side table, and immediately wrapped my hands across Xander's neck, giving him the kiss he was begging for.

He reached the skin of my waist, and pulled me to him. But before I could continue anything else, I pulled away from his kiss, and forcefully left his hold.

"Damn it girl!" He grumbled, gripping my arms to tow me to him. "What's going on? Let's finish what we've started, and then you can get the fuck out of here."

I sneered at him, and snapped his hand out of my arm, wrapping the duvet across my chest again, and jumping from the bed.

"What now?" He frowned at me.

"Sorry baby. I have to leave now." I informed him.

"Leave? Why? We aren't even done yet!" He snarled, grabbing a pillow to cover his nuts.

I sighed. "I know that. It's just that my husband needs me to get to the hospital right now."

"Your husband, your husband, your husband." He lamented, turning to face the bed to obviously express his anger. "He never allows us to do the things we want to. That guy seriously needs to be eliminated."

I rolled my eyes at his prattle, and moved forward to shove his chin in my palm, so he could face me. "Baby." I called, dropping a kiss on his lips, and pouting to make him feel better. "You know he's the one generating the money we're spending. It's better to do whatever shit he wants. Huh?"

"Alright dear." He finally stopped frowning. "But he disturbs us too much. It's not fine."

"I know that too. We'll plan on controlling that in the future. Let us get what's needed right now." I tried to convince him.

"Ok." He pressed a kiss against my cheek.

I smiled, and let go of his jaw, walking to the closet to get dressed again.

In a short while, I stepped out of the closet, wearing my dark red, pencil gown, and a six inch black stiletto.

Grabbing my bag from the couch in there, I zipped it open to get my red lipstick, as I pressed it gently against my lips to get my look back on track.

I brushed my hair back to its normal neat form, and stepped out after arranging my stuff.

I spotted Xander who was still frowning at himself, and walked to him to utter some words of comfort. Sitting beside him, I caressed his neck and smiled at him.

"Don't feel bad baby. This won't last for too long." I tried consoling him.

He exhaled heavily, and turned to face me. "I know that too. It's just tiring to keep on waiting."

"Hmm, here's a promise to you." I avowed, planning to cheer him up. "I'll be here tomorrow again, and I promise to stay for long, irrespective of what my husband wants."

His angry look boomed into happiness, and he smirked. "You sure?"

"Yeah." I assured him.

I smiled, and stood from the bed to take my leave. "Bye for now." I said.

"Ok babe. See you tomorrow."

I turned to the door, and walked into the hallway in the peaceful hotel building. I knew it was always the perfect place from Xander and I. We were hardly going to be caught by my husband in such a quiet place. Besides, it was somewhat far from my husband's house. And, there was also no way a naive and insensitive person like him could even be suspicious, speaking of finding out.

I made my way out of the building, and headed to my car.

As soon as I hopped into it, I hurried to drive to the hospital. Goodness knew what he wanted to do there. He was only a disturbing thing.


Parking my car in the hospital's parking lot, I got my ass out of the car, and walked to the hospital's building. I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to locate him.

Stepping into the building, his personal assistant, Debra, sighted me first. That was such a relief. I couldn't be searching for my husband in such an enormous place.

"Good afternoon ma'am." She greeted, bowing her head to show some respect.

I cleared my throat, and wore the strictness I never wanted to stop expressing towards Jace's workers.

"Hey." I gave her a curt greeting. "Where's my husband?"

"He is upstairs. He asked me to direct you to him." She announced.

"Alright." I said, heading to the elevator, not even waiting for the direction I didn't feel like following.

She followed behind me, and rushed to the elevator before I got there. When it opened up, she allowed me to go in first.

As the thing moved to the sixth floor, I couldn't help but keep on sighing like a frustrated human. I wasn't at all interested in visiting the hospital. It was so annoying that I couldn't have enough fun with Xander. Although he was not as good as my husband in bed, I still liked him more than Jace. Jace was only a sexy but really boring person. He wasn't even good at cracking jokes or telling stories. But my sweetheart, Xander, gave me all I wanted.

"We're here." Debra cut me from my thoughts, and waited for me to step out first.

She also hurried to a door, and halted there to signify that I needed to go in. As she opened it, I dismissed her immediately, and stepped in like the proud lady I was.

Walking in, I saw Jace and an old man sitting opposite to each other. On seeing the man, I tried to recall where I had seen him from. But before I could think further, Jace walked up to me.

"Hey." He gave me a cute grin.

"Hi." I greeted coldly, already getting annoyed by the thought of why he must have asked me to come. "Why are we here?" I asked immediately.

He sighed, and raised his hands to soothe my arm. "We've come here to get our test result on the reason why we haven't had a child yet." He stated.

I flared my nose in irritation, and soon started to glare intensely at him. I should have known that from the beginning. My husband couldn't just ask me to come to the hospital for no reason. He was back to crying for a dumb heir I didn't care about. I should have known that was the reason.

I kept my frown as I knew nothing on what to say. I couldn't tell him that I needed a fucking child I at all didn't care to have. And, I also couldn't tell him I didn't need it after three years of being married.

To hell with you Jace Flores! To hell with you!