
I turned from Trisha's dirty look, and set my gaze on the doctor. "We are doing this." I mentioned to him, and he let out a sigh.

"No. We aren't." She disagreed lucidly, facing the doctor too.

We glanced at each other with irky eyes, and turned back to the doctor. Frankly, we were a really terrible couple. But although we were so different in personality, I was ever willing to have her by my side.

"Mr Ford, we are doing it and it's final." I announced to the doctor, glaring at him like he was the one who got me angry.

Trisha stood from her seat, and hit her hands against the table. "We aren't!" She cried, panting like a mad animal.

At that point, all I needed to do was to give her some sweet talks. I knew my wife well enough. She wasn't an easy going person. Convincing her was the only option I had left.

"Woah woah." Mr Ford stood from his seat, and moved his hands to signify that she needed to calm down. "Don't make noise in the hospital please. It's a public place and not your bedroom."

I joined them in standing, and shut my eyes to keep my wrathful self calm.

"I'm so sorry sir." I told him. "We'll stop this right now. Can you just give us some minutes to speak to each other?" I requested, trying to be as serene as possible.

"Ok." He agreed immediately. "Few minutes is all you've got. I need to attend to some patients really quick." He added, turning to leave his office.

As soon as he stepped out, I faced Trisha who was shooting me deadly stares.

Ignoring her look, I moved close to her and cupped her tiny waist in my arms, jolting her close to hit against my torso. She didn't refrain from frowning, but I chose to keep on ignoring it completely. I was supposed to be so used to that already.

Staring into her angry eyes, instead of being annoyed that she wasn't ready to get a child after a long time, it only made me feel the dazzling love I forever had for her.

Looking into her bright brown eyes was something I always wanted, as it matched her fascinating long eyelashes. Her pink and sharp lips drew my attention, together with those shiny and adorable pointed nose. As I held her waist in my hands, I could feel the curve that I liked to smooch whenever I had the chance to. Even as she pursed her lips against each other in annoyance, I could only see them begging me for a kiss. Her anger had absolutely no effects on me. She was just too adorable!

Getting immense in her look, I couldn't help but brush my lips against hers. I just appreciated this woman so much.

Pulling away from my kiss, her angry gaze slowly started to disappear. She seemed to appreciate it whenever I was peaceful with her. That was a reason I loved her.

"I love you sweetie." I whispered, smiling gently at her.

She pulled a sad face, and averted from looking at me. "That's what you say but you never prove it. You don't even want to listen to me right now." She said.

"That's not true." I calmly stated, to prevent her from being completely rueful. "It's just that I badly need a child. Who's gonna be the heir of our great wealth and achievement? We can't keep on living this way."

"But why?" She faced me again. "Three years isn't so small. You can wait a little longer. And, it's so hurtful that you want to replace me."

"Replace you?" I widened my eyes. "You know that's never going to be possible. A surrogate will always remain a surrogate. It's not like we even know the person or something."

"Hmm," She smiled a little. "You're not gonna replace me? Or, you're not gonna let it affect our marriage right?"

"Yes." I assured her, and bent my neck to drop a kiss on her cheek.

She raised her legs to my 6"3 height, and returned my kiss. "Alright." She said. "Let's move on with this. I'll accept a surrogate."

"That's my baby." I tweaked her cheek, and released her from my grip.

Breathing out in relief, I sauntered to the door to get the doctor back. But before I could leave, Trisha grabbed her bag and walked to the door as well.

"Are you going now?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She replied clearly with a smile. "I...I have to get back to work. I was in the middle of a really serious job when you called earlier."

"Oh." I mentioned in disappointment. I seriously wished she could always spend more time with me, but she was always busy with work all the time. But although I always wanted her close, I never wanted to disrupt her from working. It could cause a terrible issue between us because she was so committed to her work.

Alright," She pecked me on the cheek. "I'll see you at night. And also update me on when the doctor wants to get us a surrogate ok?"

"Sure." I returned her smile, and watched as she walked out.

Watching her leave made me so sad, but I had no choice but to keep living with it. If she was happy, I definitely was too. I really loved her to that extent. And, there was no doubt that she equally loved me the same, and I was literally the only one she wished to spend her life with. My sweet wife.



Gripped with so much fear, I wandered about in the living room, and waited for my mom's doctor to come out of her my mom's room. I wondered what the doctor was going to say again. I only hoped my mom's condition had not worsened.

Finally, her room door sounded, so I rushed to the place before the doctor got to me.

"Mrs Lorenzo." I called her name out, trembling as I stood in her front. "What's with my mom? Is she getting any better."

She shook her head in objection, looking so tired. "No Jill." She replied pointedly, not taking a chance to look hesitant.

"What...what's that?" Tears formed in my eyes, hopelessly.

"Jill," She called, seeming worried like I was. "I've told you that the heart transplant is the only solution. The ventilators and other support she has been using, are only making her survive for now. It can't last forever my dear."

"Oh Mrs Lorenzo," I burst into tears. "What will I do now? I can't lose my mom. She's the only family I have aside from Liam. What would happen now?"

"Don't cry sweetheart." She tried to console me. "As long as there's life, there's hope. Still try to raise the fund. You can do it."

I sobbed hard. "But how? How will I get two and a half million dollars in less than a month. No job can cater that much."

"Oh dear," She soothed my cheek, looking sorry. "I understand that. But that's the only option. And I have something else to tell you."

"W--what's that?" I swallowed, not wanting to hear another bad news.

"Her damaging heart has also started to affect her left lung, causing an increment in the surgical operation fee." She averred, sending a bad impulse through my body.

"Oh my Goodness!" I wailed, falling to the floor, and yanking hard at my hair. "I'm doomed. I'm doomed. I'm completely doomed!" I cried, tearing up seriously.

She sighed and reached my arms to help me stand up. "Again," She mentioned, wiping my tears. "No situation is above us. There is always a solution to every problem. I'll see you soon dear. Bye." She added, turning to leave my house, leaving me speechless and broken.

Was I going to lose my mom like I had lost my sister and dad? Would I end up being the only one left?

Not thinking too much, I wiped the tears on my face. Shanice was right. I had to do that job. It was the only job that could help to raise a great fund in that short time interval. And, if I was considering my life, what was the point of living a life where I had no family left?

And also, others had done it before, so I could do it as well. I only hoped my requirements were set, because there was a big risk behind what I wanted to do. I only had to believe that no one would find out what it was.