They should be under the car

The scene in front of her changed. In her dizziness, she felt the man's slightly cold and slightly calloused hand under her kneecap.

Before she was picked up, she blushed and quickly grabbed his arm that was hidden under his suit jacket. The tension of her muscles made her take a deep breath, and then she bit her lip. I, I ... If you put it down, the dress I'm wearing will be exposed ..."

The last word was soft and almost sounded like she was crying.

Because the mute girl who had auditioned just now had a weak and pitiful image, she had activated the two halos of being pitiful and being a little bird.

In an instant, her egg-shaped face turned red and her eyelashes trembled, carrying the fear and helplessness of a small beast. It seemed that as long as it was a man, it would be difficult to harden his heart and turn a blind eye to this beauty's pitiful appearance.

Luo tianlin was also a man.

Moreover, he was still the owner of this beauty in name.