A hero can't stand the beauty (1)

"Father, quickly sit down ~"

Xia Bo he pinched the baby's throat and smiled. When she saw Luo tianlin enter the bedroom, she rushed over and hugged his arm, pressing him down on the sofa.

For a moment, Luo tianlin had almost forgotten the reason why he had returned to his room.

It was not until the girl's two soft arms, accompanied by the Milky fragrance of strawberry marshmallow, wrapped around his arms that he felt his blood rush up all over his body and his cold expression could not be held.

His voice was hoarse and low. don't mess around.

However, Shiba pretended she didn't hear him.

She didn't know how the crew changed their minds, but it couldn't have been done by a small fry if it could make the crew overturn the decision of an actor.

After all, she had already received the message that she had been eliminated.

No matter how she thought about it, other than her cheap husband. Father, there was no other candidate.