Why am I so good-looking?

Xia Bo leaned against the headboard and pressed her phone against the wall, but she didn't hear the man's reply.

She blinked and couldn't help but grin. She also took out her phone and opened the WeChat moments posted by her alternate account.

Did her cheap husband see her post?

Daily flirting.

She pretended to be unconcerned and casually sent a message to record her mood. She mentioned him in her words and even thanked him. Any man would feel great, right?

Shiba covered her mouth and laughed. then I won't disturb you.

Little humble's tone was just right.

She couldn't help but imagine the faint fairy-like air she had gotten when she was learning the art of tea last night. It was melodious and crisp, with a feeling that she could only look at it but not reach it.

Without waiting for Luo tianlin to reply, she hung up the phone and ran away like a shy girl.