Does director Luo want her to die from the heat?

[ we're outside the school gate. Let's go back together. ]

Xia Bo Li walked out of the classroom and received Luo tianlin's notification. She was so angry that her cheeks puffed up.

Her strategy was correct.

It was not in vain that she had put so much effort into reciting the lines of 'confession'.

There would be returns for investment.

"Okay, I'll try my best!"

Shiba smiled.

In front of a man, a woman said that she didn't ask for anything in return and only loved him.

This was an enjoyment that only emperors enjoyed since ancient times!

It was normal that Luo tianlin couldn't hold on.

And she didn't just suck up to him. After the performance, she immediately left the scene. The ambiguous and infatuated look in her eyes disappeared, like a flash in the pan.

He could no longer find any trace of a confession in her eyes.

Her voice still lingered, but the fair Lady had already gone far away.