President Chu, you have such a strong taste (1)

The sun set in the West, and the dark red sunset glow silently fell on the ground. Occasionally, a breeze blew past the thick curtains.

"Am I disturbing your work?"

The little girl was very aggrieved. The cotton candy was as sweet as if it had been soaked in water, and she was a little listless.

Luo tianlin's breath froze. where are your clothes? "

I didn't take it, " summer mint murmured softly. can you go to the changing room and look for it? " Anything will do."

Luo tianlin frowned.

However, it didn't take long for a long dress and long-sleeved cotton pajamas, the most conservative kind, to be delivered to the door by a long and strong arm.

"Open the door."

Shiba smiled and nodded obediently.

She did not dare to tease him at this time.

After all, even the best food had to be eaten slowly, bite by bite.

I can't be too anxious.