She's going to buy me a massage chair, and it's by air _1

The soundproofing of the old house was not very good, and the rough laughter of the old man downstairs could be heard from the fourth floor.

Xia zhengyang's small room had turned on the air conditioner an hour before he came back. The temperature was moderate now.

But as Mao ruimin stood there, she felt a little cold air drill into her neck.

"Yang, tell mom what your sister said." Mao ruimin's expression was very bad.

Xia zhengyang rolled his eyes. He took a cherry and threw it into his mouth. who told you that she owed money? " he asked.

Mao ruimin tutted. you still need people to say this? Everyone in our neighborhood knows that your sister has signed a contract with someone. If she's in a relationship, she has to pay 50 million Yuan for breaching the contract. Do you know how much 50 million Yuan is? Even if we sell our entire family, we won't be able to gather that amount. How much does your dad earn? It's not even 100000 a year!"