Applause from the Emperor (1)

A man, a man above thousands of people, had seen countless women, and there were too many women around him who tried to please him, and they were all beautiful.

Under such circumstances, could a beautiful woman with an outstanding appearance, who walked the standard steps of a lady, really conquer the heart of such a mature man who had seen thousands of sails?

Definitely not.

At the very least, it was not enough to conquer him!

Lotus step, she had been misled by the literal meaning of this skill.

A graceful gait was naturally a kind of beauty, but what was really lethal to men was the kind of seduction derived from the gait that was enough to make men remember it in their hearts.

It gave this beauty a unique sense of seduction.

Why couldn't the other concubines have a Lotus with each step, but only pan Yu 'er could? was it really because she was young?