Xiaxia is not popular?

Looking around, Zhen Shasha crumpled the threatening note into a ball. She saw a row of cameramen, the director's studio on the left, and their barbecue area on the right.

Movie King Xu was still grilling chicken wings while he wenhang was talking to Xia Bo in a low voice.

Zhen Shasha narrowed her eyes.

The first thing she did was to glare at sherby, who was still eating the barbeque.

While eating the giant squid, she suddenly felt a cold sensation on the back of her neck.

"Junior Xia, do you know you xintong? I heard that there was something scary on her face. She could have acted during the summer, but she suddenly gave up and returned to her hometown. I think she had a black mole and her face was allergic. It was swollen like being stung by bees."

Zhen Shasha returned to her seat and suddenly started the conversation.

"I just received the news. What about you? Did you go to see her?"