Director, quickly agree to this poor little thing

the small head of the wooden block is facing up. Bend your knees and squat at 90 degrees. Your lower limbs will burst with strength and move your arms in one go ...

aim like a hamster ...

Of course, it wasn't as simple as what summer catmint had said.

However, Zhen Shasha's arm was led by her to adjust the position of the axe. It moved half a centimeter to the right, and the difference was almost invisible to the naked eye.

Before the saber slashed down.

Shiba's eyes flickered. this piece of wood is your bad luck this year. Cut it and you'll be lucky.

Zhen Shasha was speechless.

In a second, Zhen Shasha's body tensed up subconsciously!

When Xia Bo pressed down on her shoulder, she used all her strength to resist!

He raised his arm high above his head.

The hatchet chopped down with the speed of wind!

Three quarters of the firewood had been split!

It was better than any other time!

Zhen Shasha: "??? "