Practicing standing posture with water PK_1

"When we used to practice standing posture, we really put things on the top of our heads and shoulders. Books or plates, if they fell, we had to stand again." After Zhen Shasha finished her breakfast, she called out to Xia Bohe.

This time, film Emperor Xu nodded. the spirit of many characters is directly related to the actor's standing posture. The old were hunchbacked, the dispirited hung their shoulders, the young were tall and straight, the heroes were as lofty as mountains, and the strong were as sharp as swords ... They're all the ten practices off-stage."

He was a child star and had a non-professional background, but he started his career early and quickly won the Best Actor award that others would never get in their entire lives.

He had become famous for his acting skills ten years ago, but he had not slacked off in his training or life experience for the past ten years.