Xiaxia is the broken-winged Angel (1)

What did it mean to repay evil with good?

This was it.

You xintong felt that she was really wrong in the past. brother, did you go for a magazine shoot today? " She hid her face that was still swollen under the blanket.

Even though it was two in the morning, you junhao was still in the mood to talk about the White moonlight.

"Yes, there was an accident."

makeup artist, mi. you xinxuan was stunned. is her name Milan? "

Oh my God, Milan was mi min's sister. Did she go and mess with summer catmint again?

she must have ruined that gown. Even if she didn't, she must have purposely picked the one that was the most easily ruined for sherby.

This time, it was you junhao's turn to be stunned. how did you know? "

You xintong rolled her eyes in an unrefined manner.

This time, she was even smarter than her brother.

"Milan has a grudge with shayber. It's a long story."