Still not up yet?

At 5:30 the next morning, grandma Qin was already sitting in the living room and drinking her morning tea.

The elderly always got up early, and the only one who could keep up with her biological clock was the old Butler, who was also old and about to retire.

Old Madam Qin liked to make a pot of tea every morning, sit in the living room, look at the flower field outside, watch the sunrise, and breathe in the distance.

This was also a way of maintaining health.

"Miss Xia?" The old Butler, who was coming down from the second floor, asked in surprise.

In the living room, old Madam Qin was good at maintaining her health. Although she was old, her eyes and ears were still sharp. When she heard the sound, she immediately looked up to the second floor.

"Hello, grandfather Butler." Sherby's clear voice was heard.

When grandma Qin saw Xia Bo 'er walking down the stairs in a black sports outfit, she was shocked. girl, did you not sleep well last night? "