The old man's heart was gone because of her crying

No one had expected that Xia Bo would cry.

This was because everyone felt that to ask for something, one had to be bold.

In the end, she cried before anyone scolded her.

The old man, who had been very fierce in front of Zhen Shasha just now, twitched his old face as soon as she teared up.

A second later, a look of heartache and pity flashed across his face.

"I've already ordered some chicken. Grandpa, C-can you give me some vegetables? Anything is fine, I, I, I ..."

Her back was trembling.

You junhao had been following Xia Bo the whole time, so he didn't know that the old man hated having the camera pointed at him.

So, you junhao's instinct was to rush forward and take a picture of Xia Bo's face!

At this moment, he wenhang let out a soft cry and didn't even have time to stop him.

Zhen Shasha sneered.

However, you junhao didn't hear or see it. When he ran to the old man and turned the camera to Xia Bo, his soul was frozen.