I'm going to tie her to my side for twenty years (1)

Luo tianlin was a decisive man.

If they wanted something, they would snatch it if it was not illegal.

If he couldn't figure it out, he would have time to figure it out.

He didn't need to think too much.

For example, he used to hate her, but he had changed his opinion of her recently.

Gradually, he began to develop a strong attitude towards her, or more accurately, the idea of possessing her.

The little girl was under his wings and in his territory, so she was his.

His thoughts were overbearing and direct.

"You don't want me?" Luo tianlin's voice was faint.

The next day, ke youbin sent Xia Bo a set of artist supplementary terms and conditions for her to sign.

20-year contract.

You're not allowed to escape.

Looking at the terms and conditions that were enough to make one drool, as well as the shiny 3s-level treatment, she felt like she was floating.

"You even gave me a small house?"