The suffocating beauty of a fairy falling into the lake (1)

On the set, no matter if there was anything going on, everyone couldn't help but focus their eyes on the monitor in front of director Liu.

How did he get through it in one take?

Other than the cameraman in the water, director Liu, and Tao shuyi, who had seen the monitor earlier, no one else knew.

Director Liu's stunned expression also showed that although he saw it, he did not understand!

He didn't understand how this child did it!

"Director Liu, this girl ..." Tao shuyi took a deep breath and stared at the screen. do your best. It's not impossible to be nominated for Best Supporting female lead.

At least, this scene was over!

The surrounding people who heard this all took a deep breath.

It wasn't that there weren't any actresses who were nominated for the supporting role in their first big screen, but most of them were actresses who had a Foundation.