She's the Lotus out of the water (Part 1)

[ new mission content: pass in one take, no bad takes, and your performance is better than last time. Get the theme song that Liu Yitong doesn't want to give to you! ]

[ mission reward: 300 goddess points. ]

The theme song ...

The corners of Shiba's mouth twitched. She couldn't help but raise her head and lower it again.

He was really afraid that she wouldn't be able to resist looking at Liu Yitong like she was an idiot!

I really don't know if this person is stupid or stupid!

How did he survive in the entertainment industry?

The duck meat was right in front of his mouth, but he didn't eat it himself and instead spat it out to give it to others?

So silly!

At the very least, she, summer mint, would not do that.

Never underestimate any opponent, never make a bet without confidence!

Otherwise, the days of crying would come!