The producer found her recipe?? _1

Xia Bo sang 'two tigers' and Lu xinhan was completely convinced.

Even Xia Bo herself didn't believe this.

But the others actually believed him.

Xia Bo Li was dumbfounded.

your voice is too high-end. It's like you're crying. What you lack is a good song. Lu xinhan directly concluded, " singing skills are very important, but the so-called song is about emotions and thoughts. You have both. Whether or not you have singing skills is no longer the first thing that people pay attention to."

Of course, skills were like flowers on top of a brocade. It could challenge a higher range and more difficult chords.

But in comparison, ancient songs didn't require much singing skills.

Her range was relatively in the middle, and she rarely reached the high notes.

The rhythm of the song was also relatively soothing, paying attention to a melodious and soft, with its own lingering charm.

These were things that sherbar could do.