This is a blessing from my little fairy (1)

Seeing many people in the audience wiping their tears, sherby couldn't help but be moved.

The strings of the zither clanged, and the notes flowed even more.

In fact, he could almost see the beautiful Palace, Chang 'e, Wu gang, and GUI Shu in front of him.

[ beep.'You make a hundred people cry' achievement achieved. ]

[ enlightenment triggered. ]

[ training room for crying scenes as a reward: activate 150 goddess points (Mid-Autumn Festival reward). ]

Shocked, she almost made a mistake.

She wanted to go into the classroom immediately to check out the situation, but the performance was not over yet, so she could only suppress her emotions.

After finishing the song, su zhengming's old eyes reddened, and he was in a poetic mood. He began to compose a poem on the spot and lost the interest to take photos.

When he missed her, he couldn't stop it.