She learned it herself (1)

Some things were really self-taught.

For example, he had the ability to make his heart ache when a little girl cried ... No one else had ever made him feel this way.

Luo tianlin listened to the soft whimpers in his ears, which sounded like the whimpers of a dog that had been carefully and gently injured. He felt as if a small knife was stabbing into his heart.

He lowered his head and saw that he was only wrapped in a bath towel. He couldn't help but clench his fists in regret.

"Wait for me,"

He tidied himself up and walked back to the bed.

"No... That's what you're thinking."

Luo tianlin's jawline tightened.

"I'm not looking down on you."

But it scared her.

He had been frivolous when he was young.

There were always many women around him, such as Home Tutors when they were young, bar girls when they grew up, and successful women at the dinner table ...

Many of the second generation in the circle were like this.