You are right, I almost missed her (1)

After filming the tail of winter frost, summer's scenes were basically over.

As soon as she quit, Liu Yitong's acting skills returned to normal.

The entire crew shot at a very fast speed and quickly wrapped up the filming.

At the beginning of October, it was officially a massacre.

The video of him killing the youth quickly spread on Weibo.

Each of the main actors was holding flowers from the production team and taking photos with the director. Everyone was happy and harmonious.

[ our tongtong is so close to little Xia! ]

[xiaxia is smiling at tongtong ~~~]

Oh, tongtong and xiaxia are standing on both sides of the director ... [ I want to Photoshop the director out! ]

Liu Yitong was going crazy as she read the comments.

As long as you fall into a pit once, no matter how you explain it, others will believe that you have always been in the pit!

No matter how Liu Yitong looked at it, she couldn't tell how they were harmonious!