Xiaxia, are you here to audition for the female lead?

Liu Yitong couldn't believe it.

She lost again?

But the results of the live voting were revealed on the spot.

summer has 2312 votes!

Another overwhelming victory!

Liu Yichen's fans were more than ten times more than Xia Bo's.

Xia Bo Bo's current fan count was 1.21 million, which was only a fraction of Liu Yitong's 21.85 million.

But ... Liu Yitong had lost miserably again!

"I'm sorry, director Zhou, I can't accept this. If crying scenes only looked at the speed of tears, then all movies were soap operas that shed tears, right? Tears are the lowest form of expression. It's just like how you express your anger with a roar."

Liu Yitong didn't accept it!

He stood up from the stool and refused to leave the assessment room.

Her manager was hopping mad.

However, Liu Yitong had put her pride as an actress on the line today. In this situation, she only had acting skills to support her!

She couldn't lose again!