Luo tianlin, the ruthless man (1)

"This isn't something she should know."

When Lin Qi went to ask ke youbin, ke youbin replied in this way.

"That's what boss said. Hey, I'm telling you this, but don't tell sister-in-law! This kind of thing that toyed with people's hearts and conspiracies should be left to men, understand? I really have nothing to say to a straight girl like you. What is boss saying to sister-in-law?"

Ke youbin nagged at her.

"You told her that Marquis Li wanted to harm her and made her worried? Or should I tell her that he's wanted to kill Liu Yitong for a long time? let her jump into the fire pit herself!"

Lin Qi gasped.

He didn't dare to say that he was on speaker mode.

"Boss has already planned everything for her. If she can't play the role of a 46-year-old, she will expose Li hou in advance, force him to step down, re-record the show, and draw lots again. Wouldn't that solve everything?"

"It's such a simple matter! Can boss just watch her suffer?"