She was like the king of all birds in the forest (1)

Before she got off the car, she memorized the introductions of all the characters.

She recited it silently to Luo tianlin, and the admiration in his eyes was hard to hide.

"But brother Zhai, I'll tell you a secret. I'm a little face-blind. I can recite the words, but I might not be able to match them."


Luo tianlin's thin lips pursed, and after a while, a smile appeared on his face. it's fine. You'll be able to match it after a few more times."

The Bentley stopped at the entrance of the manor.

A team of professional waiters, dressed in three-piece suits and white gloves, opened the back door for them.

Luo tianlin, however, did not move.

Chen Xin, who was seated in front, took the lead and stepped out. A burst of flashes lit up the room.

It was the reporters who had come to the scene.

However, Chen Xin quickly ordered the security guards in the two cars to get out and keep the reporters at a distance, preventing them from taking any photos.