Why don't we taste wine (1)

At the banquet, the host and guests conversed, drank, and ate to their hearts 'content.

The waiter carried different glasses of wine on the tray and walked back and forth.

For a moment, the lights were reflected and the toasts were intertwined.

From time to time, someone would come to Luo tianlin and toast him.

However, he mostly just nodded out of courtesy, clinked his wine glass slightly, and took a sip to give the other party face.

After half the game, after a wave of guests, he only had one drink.

As his female guest, Xia Bo was also very relaxed.

No one would come to make trouble, make her drink, and no one would make things difficult for her and make her come out to entertain.

These people were probably all afraid of Luo tianlin, except for Dong shanheng, who was considered an elder and treated him with respect.

The others would be scared away by Luo tianlin's indifferent face after a few words with him.