If you enter the top three, Grandpa will grant you three wishes (1)

The order of the rankings was quickly revealed.

Mid-Autumn was in the third group of boys, while summer mint was in the first group of girls.

The boys 'group would go first.

There were quite a few people that Xia Bo saw on TV or on Weibo's Trending Searches, but to be honest, she wasn't too familiar with them.

There was no one to chat with, so she saw that there was still a long time left, so she took out her phone. She wanted to daydream for a while, but she saw a lot of greetings from people.

[ you Xinyuan: little aunt, charge! ] [ you wave at the camera, I'm looking at you. ]

Xia Bo Li blinked, looked for the camera, and tilted her fair face.

[ you xinnuan: Oh, I see you. You're so cute with your head tilted! ]

Xia Bo he grinned and exited the window. She saw the four players in the game and the three boys 'greetings.

Yang le was particularly enthusiastic and cheered her on. He even sent her a shooting breakdown explained by the champion Archer.