She attracted Best Actor Zhou's attention (1)

Group A, in the eyes of the audience, was Wang Zha's team.

Whether it was Zhou Weize, Zhong Qiu, or he wenhang, they were all the male leads.

In terms of looks, they each had their own merits. In terms of acting skills, the first two were specialized students, and the latter had worked with many directors before, so she had more experience than ordinary newcomers.

With the addition of the dark horse, Xia Bo he, the four of them basically had no dead angles in their acting. They were definitely going to be King!

However, Zhao Zhenzhen's addition had caused their average strength to drop slightly.

It seemed that there were more uncertain factors in the group than in other groups.

But even so, the audience did not expect that during the drawing of lots, no one in Group A would move!

Zhou Weize, who was in the center, looked at Zhong Qiu indifferently.

Zhong Qiu pretended not to see it, obviously not wanting to be commanded.