Fortunately, I hit my sister (1)

Having everyone vote together was a huge pressure for many actors.

In order to win, the best way was to give the votes only to himself and not to anyone else.

However, if the festival group announced everyone's voting results, everyone would know about his dirty thoughts.

The festival group didn't say that they were going to vote anonymously. They could only carefully vote for their own group or even themselves to get some competitors eliminated.

It really wasn't easy to do this kind of small action well.

As a result, many of the 26 actors were more or less absent-minded when they watched the play on the TV in the hotel.

Only a small number of extremely confident people or people who didn't care about the result could really watch.

Group A, broadcast. The voting begins!

According to the order, Zhou Weize's group would air first, so this position wasn't very favorable.