I hope no one will help you when you fall (1)

When the festival group entered the hospital and broadcasted the doctor's examination results for Ren Zai, the 3000 audience members saw the heartbroken fairy Xia.

the bone in his left shoulder is fractured, " the doctor said. he's in a cast. He'll be on leave for a month.


The doctor was speechless. He would make an appointment for an MRI scan to check if there was any problem with the ligament. If the ligament is torn, then ..."

"Yingluo," Suzanna said.

Her tears streamed down her face as she faced the doctor.

The doctor was embarrassed.

Shiba covered her mouth. please continue. I won't cry ... Wuwuwu ..."

Ren Zai didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the side. At this moment, he had already recovered some of his complexion. teacher Xia, I'm not in danger. A bone fracture will be fine after some rest. A ligament tear can also be cured, right? Doctor."