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The rope exercise was one of the more difficult gymnastics events.

Relatively speaking, for beginners, it was more difficult than carrying out the exercise. This was because the long rope could be thrown with different strengths and changes. If they were not careful, they could be disfigured if the rope hit their faces.

In addition to swinging the rope, rope exercise also had many throwing and catching movements, which were similar to ball exercise in some ways, but more difficult.

Because the rope was soft and thin, it was not only easy to catch it, but even if it was caught, it was likely to be caught in an undesirable position. For example, the end and end of the rope could not be caught, and it could only be taken to the middle, which would affect the beauty of gymnastics.

However, this kind of event that required more skills was more suitable for summerbar to specialize in, and thus stood out from the group of dancers.