The director's breakdown is also a breakdown (1)

There was a moment of silence on the bullet screen.

Then, the camera suddenly switched from sherby to the director's team, who was watching the surveillance camera.

Director Lin Sheng sat in the recording car, holding a thermal flask, and cursed with his eyes wide open!

"What's going on?"

"What's up with the actor playing the ghost on the second floor?"

The Assistant Director next to him listened into his headset and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. he was frightened by Xia Bo he pretending to be a ghost.

【艹! [ hahahaha! ]

[ what else can I do other than laugh? ]

[ I pity the director and the ghost actor for a hundred million seconds. ]

[ xiaxia: don't you know that I'm good at acting? ]

[ xiaxia: you're yelling at me, and I have to respond to you? Can I not be polite? [ Hi. ]

[ director: what did I do wrong? [ inviting the wrong guest has ruined a Halloween livestream! ]

There was a heated discussion on the bullet screen.