Queen xiaxia is on mountain patrol (1)

"I still want to be the last one to go on stage, is that okay?"

The last round of 15 to 10 was very terrifying. The 8 members of the assault team were not eliminated.

On the other hand, the sure-win team only had Xia Bohe and Lu xiaopiao left.

The one-sided result made things even worse for sherby, who wanted to go last.

Lu xiaopiao spread her hands. I picked the third person today.

Sherby looked at herself. hey, I'm fifth.

The corner of Zhong Qiu's eyes twitched. fifth place will do. Eight out of ten will be in this round.

It seemed like only two people had been eliminated, but out of the ten people, only Xia Bo he was an actress without any dance Foundation.

Lu xiaopiao and the eight people in front of him could form a girl group, which was not abrupt at all.

Shiba sighed. I'll go take a walk across the street. Maybe there'll be a kind person who's willing to trade with me.

Zhongqiu let her be.