We would like to invite teacher Xia to be our endorser (1)

Xia Bo didn't care if she answered correctly or not, because her familiarity and understanding of tea making didn't affect her acting career much.

She just didn't want to lie.

She also had a lot of things to say. actually, the answer is not important. I just feel a little regretful. The inner mountain's Liu 'an melon slices are also considered high-quality, a variety of excellent quality before the rain. The expensive ones are ten thousand Yuan, up to a thousand Yuan per 500 grams."

"It's best to brew six peace melon tablets with well water or spring water. If you don't have any, then mineral water with a neutral pH value will do."

this way, its taste will reach its peak. Otherwise, it'll be a waste of such a heavenly treasure!

After saying that, she looked at the thousands of cups of tea on the table with heartache.

So many tea leaves would be wasted today.

Rather than messing around, he might as well give it to her to take away!